Recycle Reuse and Renew Old Content to Boost Your SEO

Have you ever had an older piece of content start performing well on the search engines and suddenly you felt like you just walked outside wearing flowery bell-bottoms and carrying a boom box? Although you’re glad to have the site visits, you realize that visitors to that content may leave your site with the wrong idea about your current solutions and product or service offerings.

You know you can

t just ignore the fact that outdated or incorrect information is being consumed and possibly shared with your audiences. So, now you’re faced with a decision; either create a buy telemarketing data new piece of content that addresses the same topic or go back and refurbish the existing content.
Instead of risking creating duplicate content, competing with yourself on the internet, and opening your site up to the wrath of Google and all its penalties; try renewing, repurposing, and re-promoting older content that still drives traffic to your site.

Don’t delete it, update and optimize it

Chances are that if you have aging content, it was created. Back when search terms were different, your product and service offerings were different, and the supporting statistics you used to. Validate your conclusions were still accurate. Now, the content that used to be relevant has suffered the. Same fate as your acquaintances who. Haven’t changed their hair or clothes. Style for 10 years, it’s outdated.
Older content. May. have even been created . Before you built the well-developed audience personas that now guide your content creation. Updating aging content gives you the opportunity to focus on audience intent and re-message your content based on your current audience personas. Look to making improvements in readability by tightening up content and focusing your re-write on a single topic of interest to your target audiences.

Improve your audience

experiences and improve your SEO by satisfying current user intent and using long-tail keywords that match current search queries.
There are actually two main reasons to update older content. First, you may have noticed an uptick in the use of a search term or query or increased popularity for a topic that you already have already addressed in content that isn’t performing as well as you’d like. In both these cases, you’ll want to update the content to reflect current search trends and keywords as well as improve the user experience.

Update the content, not the URL

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Even if you decide to perform a complete rewrite of the content, keep the original URL and title. Depending on the piece of content, you’ll either want to go in a make a few. Tweaks, or you’ll need to give the piece a complete overhaul. Keep in mind that audiences are finding your content for a reason and collaboration with micro-influencers don’t change the. Content so much that you lose the good SEO value it has earned over time.

Keep the intent of the content and the general message the same while updating

Inbound links
Product information
Outdated statistics
Meta descriptions
Calls to action
Images and screen shots
Use keyword research to update content
Be sure to incorporate the exact keywords and keyword usa b2b list strings into H2-H6 headers and into the language of the paragraphs.
As with all “new” content, you’ll want to consider how this asset contributes to the overall flow of your website. Improve the user experience and assist with the c

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