How to Create a Money Making Blog for Beginners

There are so many opportunities that you can get by creating a blog. Indeed, so far, blogs are generally used as a way to share information and content on the internet. However, you can also be successful from a blog, even make money!

Unfortunately, becoming a successful

But don’t worry, because by following the right steps, you can build a useful blog and attract thousands of traffic.

Interested in finding out how to create a blog that makes money ? Well, we will share the secret with you through this article. Are you ready? Let’s start your journey as a blogger and good luck!

What is a blog?
Before discussing how to create a blog, you need to understand first what a blog is. A blog is a website containing articles that are published periodically.

There are several types of blogs, such as personal blogs, business blogs, and news blogs. Usually, blogs are managed by individuals, groups, or companies, to share knowledge, experiences, and as a platform for making money.

There are many benefits to blogging , including:

Want to know more? Let’s scroll down because we will explain how to create a professional blog that readers will love!

1. Determine the Blog Niche
The first step in how to create a blog is to determine your blog niche . A niche is a specific topic that your blog focuses on.

The difference between a niche and a topic is that a topic is a broad field, while a niche is more specific. An example of an interesting topic for a blog is “culinary”. Niches for this topic can be recipes, restaurant reviews, or cooking tips.

When choosing a niche, there are several things you need to consider:

Choose a topic that you like and are good at.
Do some research to see if the niche has a lot of interest.
Choose a topic that is not too competitive.
Choose a niche that has the potential to make money.
Once you have considered these factors, you can start looking for a niche that suits you. As an illustration, here are some popular blog topics and niches this year:

Health (mental health, managing diet and nutrition)
Culinary (local cuisine, low calorie cuisine)
Travel (adventure, solo traveling)
Technology (gaming, hosting reviews, gadgets)
Finance and investment (stock investment tips, financial management)
Use keyword research tools like Google Trends to see how many people are searching for that niche online. You can also see searches related to that niche.

Google Trends comparison of keywords healthy

2. Choose the Optimal Blogging Platform There europe cell phone number list are many platforms for how to create a blog. So, it is important to choose the right one for your needs. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a blogging platform:

Technical skills and ease of use.
Features according to blog purpose.
Costs required.
Active and supportive community.
Well, one of the popular blogging platforms that answers all of these criteria is WordPress. The advantages of blogging on WordPress are that it is easy to use, has many customizable features, and has a large and active user community.

3. Choose the Best Web Hosting Service
After choosing a blogging platform, it’s time to prepare web hosting so your blog can go online.

Web hosting is a service that stores your blog files and data on the internet. There are many web hosting services available for how to create a blog. At Niagahoster, you can pocket the following types of hosting services :

WordPress Hosting

WordPress Hosting is optimized specifically for the WordPress platform. If you want to focus on content and avoid technical matters such as WordPress updates, WordPress Hosting is the right choice.

Using this hosting, CMS will be installed automatically and you can use the blog immediately. Management is also much easier.

Price: Rp23,900-Rp150,000/month

Let’s create a blog now!

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Create a blog on WordPress!
Web Hosting

Web Hosting is suitable for personal blogs, small business blogs, or blogs with moderate traffic. This service is an economical and easy-to-use option.

If you are  blog and want to save analytical denken steht laut wef an erster stelle der besten soft money, Web Hosting is a great option. However, since server resources are shared with other users, your blog’s performance may be affected by traffic from other sites.

Price: Rp23,900-Rp150,000/month

Cloud Hosting

Cloud Hosting is suitable for blogs that want better performance and higher traffic levels. By using multiple physical servers, your blog can handle traffic spikes better.

Price: Rp150,000-Rp1 million/month

VPS Hosting

VPS hosting is suitable for blogs that have grown with a high number of visitors and require high performance. In VPS hosting, you have larger server resources and isolation from other users, so the performance is more stable and guaranteed.

If your blog requires full control over the server and its resources, VPS hosting is the right choice.

Price: Rp75,900-Rp334,900/month

4. Determine the appropriate blog address and domain name
The next way to create a blog, determine the blog address and domain name. The blog name is the name you give to your blog, while the domain name is the web address used to access your blog.

When choosing a blog name and domain for your blog, there are a few things to consider:

Use keywords that are relevant to your blog topic

Short and memorable . Domain names should be adb directory short and memorable so that visitors can easily remember them.
Relevant to your blog topic . It is best to have a domain name that is relevant to your blog topic so that it can be easily found by visitors who are looking for information on that topic.
Avoid using numbers and symbols in your domain name.
Make sure your domain name is easy to pronounce
If you buy hosting at Niagahoster for a package lasting a year or more, you can get a free domain. Popular domains available include .COM, .ONLINE, and .MY.ID.

Don’t forget, use Niagahoster’s domain name search feature to see if the domain name you want is available.

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