Website Home Page Structure Optimized for Lead Generation

Of the many aspects that go into creating a high-performing website homepage structure, one of the most important to keep in mind is how it will drive your company’s lead generation efforts. Structure Optimized for Lead Generation.

With lead generation consistently cited as a top priority for marketers, finding ways to maximize the potential of your homepage will be critical to continued growth.

There are seven steps you can take to transform your homepage into a critical lead generation tool, many of which you can implement today to start converting more visitors as soon as possible.

Let’s dive into the details

7 Steps to a Website Homepage Structure That Gets Results
1. Create Tailored Content
The phrase “content is king” is often heard.

But this doesn’t just mean blog posts and social media content. As the first thing most prospects see when they visit your website, your homepage should also be optimized with content that specifically speaks to your brand and your target audience’s pain points.

Within seconds, your headline, subheading, additional copy, and images should help convince a lead that your company can help them.

The content on your page should highlight the most important pain points for your target audience and highlight the benefits your company can offer in solving their biggest problems.

Common needs include challenges related to productivity, finances, processes, and even people.

Thoroughly evaluating all homepage copy to ensure it speaks to your customers’ biggest pain points is critical.

2. Showcase the most compelling reviews

83% of people trust their peers over advertising when it comes to product or service recommendations. 97% of B2B buyers trust peer reviews more than any other type of content.

For this reason, few things are more persuasive than a positive testimonial or review from current customers, especially if they share many of the attributes and pains of top prospects. Their words and experiences will be far more persuasive than any marketing message.

website homepage structure

However, while many brands can generate reviews on third-party sites like Google or Yelp, they don’t always display these testimonials as prominently as they should on their own website.

You can make your homepage much more compelling with a few simple reviews and/or testimonials. Even a short snippet of a real customer review or the number of 5-star reviews you’ve received can make a compelling argument.

3. Don’t give up on forms

While other lead generation tactics may be more trendy right now, there’s still a lot to be said for forms. In fact, 49.7% of marketers say web forms offer the highest conversion rates among digital marketing techniques. Interestingly, HubSpot research also finds that multi-step forms tend to have higher conversion rates.

That said, the most effective forms typically ask for no more than five pieces of information, often in exchange for a lead magnet like an ebook. Forms should focus on the most essential information that will help your sales team reach the customer.

Key details include

the person’s name
their email address
their role within the company.
While forms are primarily associated with b2b brands, many b2c companies use them as well. For example, a subscription service might include a form on its homepage that starts the visitor’s signup process. After filling out basic contact information, customers are redirected to a secure portal to provide payment information.

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4. Find out who’s visiting your site

There’s a big difference between seeing how the fundraiser on an ongoing basis many unique users have visited your site and knowing exactly who those users are. Knowing who’s visiting your company’s website helps you paint a more complete picture of your target audience and their interests, as well as reveal new lead generation opportunities.

5. Use retargeting adsIt’s estimated that 95% of potential afb directory customers aren’t ready to make a purchase when they visit a retail website. For lesser-known brands and b2b websites, those numbers can be even lower.

More often than not

People who are interested in a product or service leave the site without ever clicking a CTA or taking another step that would ease them into the sales funnel. That’s not to say all hope is lost: retargeting ads will keep the user messaging them, even after just one visit to the homepage.

In terms of social media, the Meta Pixel is a great example of how brands can retarget. As Meta explains, this tool

“tracks people and the types of actions they take when they engage with the brand, including the Facebook ads they saw before going to the website, the pages they visit, and the items they add to their cart.”

This data enables personalized retargeting to those who have visited your homepage and also allows you to send personalized messages based on what they have or have not done on the site. Advertising cookies play a similar role with Google Ads and other platforms. These campaigns can keep your brand top of mind even after a single visit to your website, leading to more leads.

6. Provide clear CTAs

There are many different types of calls to action that can be incorporated into an effective website homepage design, from signing up for your newsletter to signing up for a free trial of your product.

While the exact nature of your CTA can vary based on your marketing goals, two things should remain constant:

They should be prominent on your homepage
They should lead visitors down the sales funnel
The average homepage requires a fair amount of scrolling for visitors who want to see all of the content. But if you only have one CTA at the top of the page, visitors may forget about it before they get to the bottom. Repeated, consistent CTAs serve as helpful reminders while also adding visual variety to your page.

CTAs should also lead consumers into the sales process in some way—at the very least, by providing an email address where your team can follow up later.

Ultimately, CTAs should lead to future engagement with your brand.

Finally, it’s important to consider personalizing your CTAs when possible. CTAs that tailor their message based on a visitor’s location, previous interactions with your site, or other factors convert 202% more than generic CTAs.

7. Leverage Live Chat

Live chat can be another powerful lead-generating resource right on your homepage. In fact, research shows that not only are 38% of customers more likely to purchase from websites that offer live chat, but 63% are also more likely to return to that site. Of companies that have implemented live chat, 79% have seen an increase in sales and revenue.


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