Companies now value professional skills and experience. They want candidates with more than a degree. They want knowledge and experience that can be instantly applied to the role they apply for.
Unfortunately, employers are struggling ¿Puedes prepararte? to find the right talent to fill roles. While unemployment remains low globally, the workforce is also aging leaving many open positions unfilled creating a widening skills gap.
In fact, 75% of employers
report it’s difficult to comprar lista de números de difusión de fax comercial fill roles across industries while IT & data skills are the most challenging to find, regardless of industry and geography, according to Manpower Group.
So how can you as an educator boost the employability of your students and provide employers with work-ready candidates that can carve out a successful marketing career?
Technology is driving a constant need for new skills. This is particularly true for marketing departments as they need to adapt in the face of new technologies such as generative AI, marketing automation, experience and on-page optimization and analytics (GA4 anyone?!)
So let’s look at what employers want from graduates from the perspective of recruiters and CMOs.
What do employrs
ant from graduates? A Recruiter’s Perspective
Since 2015, skills for roles have changed by an average of 25%. By 2030 that figure is expected to reach at least 65%, according to LinkedIn. This means an increasing number of professions and skills won’t exist and new skills and roles will emerge.
That’s the reason recruiters are ¿Puedes prepararte? changing the assessment criteria for job roles. In recent years, many big brands (Walmart, Apple, Google and General Motors) have dropped their requirement for a degree to include people with essential knowledge and useful skills.
This has allowed recruiters to directorio bzb deprioritize college degree requirements and turn their attention to hiring candidates with the knowledge and skills they need. It’s also enabling them to improve the quality of hire, expand the talent pool, and reduce bias.In recent years marketing has taken on a more pivotal role in a business. After all, marketing activities help to boost brand awareness, generate leads and drive revenue. So hiring skilled marketers is a priority and a challenge.
An analysis by Robert Half found that roles such as Marketing Manager, Marketing Director and Marketing Coordinator experienced substantial growth, with job increases of 54%, 42% and 20%. This resulted in over 120,000 jobs in these areas which reflects a growing recognition of the strategic importance of marketing in business success.
When we surveyed CMOs and líder de fax b2b hiring experts in HR and L&D we asked them “What are the key skills gaps within your company & team?”
Respondents said that AI strategy and development (49%), data analysis (45%), digital social sales (45%), and general digital marketing skills (37%) were the top four gaps found in their organizations.