How to Find Websites with a Specific Word or Phrase in the Title

In this case, the intitle: command is used. Let’s say you want to find pages that have the term cybersecurity and the phrase best practices in their titles. It would look like this: intitle:cybersecurity best practices. To make the query even more precise, you can additionally use other Google search operators. For example, the query…

5 Meast socht Energy Sector Stocks yn Yndia

De rapst groeiende ekonomy fan Yndia jout enerzjyynvestearders ferskate karren foar online hannel. Yn feite hat Yndia de tredde grutste oaljereserves en genôch stienkoal om mear dan 100 jier te duorjen, wêrtroch enerzjyoandielen in lukrative opsje binne. Fanwegen de rappe ûntwikkeling fan it lân en ferskate yndustry is ynvestearjen útdaagjend, dochs binne d’r in protte…