How to set up a snippet for Yandex and Google

When working on website promotion, one of the main tasks is to attract traffic through search engines. SEO strategy includes many technical aspects, one of which is setting up a website snippet. In this article, we will consider what snippets are, how they are form in Yandex and Google, what CTR is and how to set up an effective snippet.

What is a snippet?

A snippet is a short description of a phone number library page that is display in search results. It contains the title, description, and URL of the page – these are the main, but far from all possible components. Snippets are us so that the user can better understand what information is contain on the page and decide whether to go to it.



phone number library

What is a snippet form from in Yandex and Google

Google snippets and Yandex snippets generally have a similar scheme, but there are some differences. In both search engines, they consist of several elements, three of which are mandatory – the title (Title), description and URL. Depending on this big data is essential for the sales the request and page type, the snippet may contain additional components, such as images, ratings, links to other pages, etc. In Yandex and Google, snippets are generat automatically bas on the content of the Internet resource, but webmasters can manage snippet elements using certain meta tags in the page code. For example, the “title” and “description” meta tags allow you to set a title and description for a snippet, and the “robots” meta tag allows you to set instructions for search robots.



Favicon is a small icon that is display in the browser address bar along with the site name. In addition, it can be seen as an image on bookmarks. Also, a favicon can be display in a Yandex snippet; Google does not have such a function.

It is important to note that a favicon is b2c fax not a requir element for a snippet, but its presence can improve the user experience, distinguish the site from competitors and increase the clickability of the snippet.


Date of publication

This element helps the user understand how fresh the information on the page is. The publication date is us in Yandex mainly for news content, Google more often includes this part of the snippet – for pages whose content is relevant for a certain period of time.


Breadcrumb trail

This is a sequence of links that displays the path from the main page to the current one. In Google, the navigation chain is display above the title, and in Yandex, it is display below it, and is highlight in color. Often, the navigation chain contains keywords, which increases the relevance of the page for the user’s query and affects indexing. You can control the display of the navigation chain in the snippet using micro-markup on the site.


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