WordPress for Beginners: Tips and Essential Plugins

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that powers over 40% of all websites on the Internet. It is easy to use, customizable, and has a wide range of features.set of pluginsthat can improve the functionality of your website. However, getting started with WordPress can be a daunting task, especially for beginners. In this…

Content Marketing Institute; MarketingProfs

Status levels Not startd Work in progress/process WIP Pitching Submittd Acceptd Scheduled Posted/Published . Mdia Type shutterstock_  Your digital content may live in many locations across the Internet. Therefore the best multi-channel content marketing strategies include content publication across three different mdia types Owned Earned and Paid. Build your ownd meia as the foundational element…

Google Menu of Services: a revolution in digital marketing

At the PPC Day: PRO conference, Stanislav Telpis , marketing specialist in programmatic advertising, representative of the Atek company and EMEA consulting director at Publicis UK, spoke about Google’s standardized advertising services and their implementation. Many people wonder where to develop their activity – as a freelancer, in a small agency or a large marketing…

6 Most Effective SEO Tips (From 25+ Years of SEO Practice)

Meeting potential customers where they are is a critical part of business success. For most businesses, this means connecting with people through digital channels, such as search engines and social media. SEO is a vital part of this online success and helps you reach people from all corners of the world. If you are looking…