WordCamp Jackson 2019

On October 4th and 5th, Michigan is hosting the 3rd annual WordCamp Jackson! It’s located at the Learn Rocket Lab, and although GreenGeeks won’t be  there in person, we do proudly sponsor the event.

What to Expect at WordCamp Jackson

WordCamp Jackson is actually going to be a pretty massive event. There will be about three different things going on in each set timeframe. Needless to say, there accurate mobile phone number list will be no shortage of amazing sessions to attend and speakers to hear.

Since there is so much going on, here are some of the sessions you may not want to miss.

Blogging For Your Organization

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Join Lindsey Rampton as she walks you through the process needed to make a cultural shift to create more content and how to get “buy-in” from your stakeholders to create blog posts.

  • Looking Good: A Deep Dive Into Brand Identity
    Session speaker Kevin Skarritt will speak about the importance of brand and brand identity. He will also touch on subjects like the differences between “Brand”, “Branding”, “Brand Identity”, and “Identity.” If you are struggling to put a solid brand together, this session is for you.
  • How to Get Through the Awkwardness of Networking
    Networking doesn’t come easy to most people. It can be awkward and off-putting if not done correctly. Join Wesley Faulkner as he give you tips that will help you work through those issues and ultimately make you more comfortable in new spaces with new people.
  • Refunds and What to Do About Them

    Refunds and handling them can be a how ppc and seo can work together for your business tough process. Join Tyler Lau as he makes suggestions and strategies on how to set up your policy. Doing so will make the refund process much easier for you in the long run

  • Designing, Developing & Testing for Accessibility
    Eric Malcolm will go over the basics of designing, developing and testing for accessibility. Color Contrast, Sizing & Spacing, Device Independent User Input, Page Structure, Headings, Testing Tools, Extensions, Testing with a Screen Reader.

Fun Facts About Jackson

There is a lot more to do in Jackson than you b2c fax would think. Here are some interesting facts about the city.

  • Jackson is a major location for golf enthusiasts. It features numerous beautiful courses. The Optimist Arena provides opportunities for ice skating and hockey, including leagues for the young and for men.
  • The Sparks Foundation County Park includes the famous Cascade Falls which are beautifully illuminated and often accompanied by music.
  • The Carnegie Library Building features Neoclassical architecture and is included in the National Register of Historic Places. Try to see this if you have some time.

Final Thoughts

WordCamp Jackson should be a lot if fun if you are able to attend. It will be chalked full of discussion groups, sessions, presentations, and speaker. Be sure to grab your tickets and head to Jackson for a great weekend at WordCamp.



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