How to get subscribers in Telegram: TOP-10 ways

From the “0 subscribers” mark to a Telegram channel with thousands of subscribers lies the path of a great deal of suffering and experiments with marketing tools. Each of them shows different efficiency at different stages of channel development. In this article, we will figure out how to get the most out of free tools and not waste your budget on paid promotion.Promoting a channel without subscribers among a

wide audience means offering

people the role of testers. Few people email data will like it if it concerns a still nameless source of information. To make the channel look more trustworthy during large-scale promotion, we recommend collecting a small number of subscribers on the channel for free before launching it, using all your ingenuity and our ideas:Send invitations to the list from your phone book, make posts with an announcement about the

launch of the channel on your social

email data

networks, in the chats where you are a member, ask to subscribe in a private message. At this stage, the main principle is to invite to subscribe those who know you, who trust you and who will do it not even for the content, but out of a desire to support. This is how the first 50-200 subscribers will be already not bad for a start.

When using this method start a print on demand business of Telegram promotion, the main thing is not to make the mistake of the authors of “honest” product reviews – to make obvious advertising. In some thematic chats, you can even be banned for this, so mention your channel organically, if there is a reason for this. You can also leave comments in blogs, on forums, describing how your channel will help solve the readers’ problem.

This method may seem uab directory  intrusive, but it is also effective. Try writing to people directly on social networks. Just don’t send a standard “advertisement”, contact them as a real person in a regular correspondence. Try to find those who may potentially be interested in your channel.

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