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In turbulent times, only those companies that do not miss new opportunities remain on the wave. Content marketing has been actively used for promotion in the B2B market lately. It helps to build long-term and loyal relationships with potential clients. Maxim Nakhabo, director of the Aktion Marketing project, told us how to attract buyers and

Customers with the help of content marketing.

In 2023, B2B business is especially focus on library shop finding new clients, many of whom have adopt a wait-and-see attitude. Companies carefully study contractors, afraid of making the wrong decision and losing money. But nevertheless, they are looking for new partners – this is relevant after the departure of traditional foreign companies from the market. And your task is to take over the “nobody’s” audience by being the first to declare yourself as a company that will solve the problem.

The B2B sphere has its own characteristics, such as:

limited audience;
more professional and demanding customers;
long decision-making period;
difficult access to decision makers.

This raises questions

How can you expand your target audience if you the effect of backlinks on site seo have already cover most of the companies — potential clients? What should you do if the decision to cooperate or purchase is made not by one person, but by a group of people, and approval can take months? How can you convey your message to the decision maker, bypassing secretaries and other employees? This is where content marketing helps.

By publishing expert articles, you give the b2c fax target audience the opportunity to take a closer look at you, get us to the brand, and see the strengths of cooperation. Through high-quality content relat to solving problems in the field in which you work.  You demonstrate your expertise and advantages, talk about successful cases and at the same time natively advertise your product. Useful texts can be post on the company’s website, third-party sites, social networks, and electronic media.

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