AI content: useful or not?

AI-generated content has a niche in SEO and marketing in general. Whether such content is useful or spam depends on how, where and why you use it.

When Google announced the 2022 helpful content update

many in the SEO industry expected AI-generated content to take a big hit. A large number of sites immediately began to check their content for keyword spamming and compliance with the new requirements of the Google search engine.

Needless to say

many of us expected  telegram database users list AI-generated content to be wiped out by this supposedly massive update.

comparable to the 2011 Panda algorithm update that left many SEOs with gray hair.

However, no serious impact was recorded.

Yes shortly after Google released the October 2022 Spam Update

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we saw that websites using AI content were affected, although not as much as predicted only by 3%. And this indicator returned quickly enough.

Let’s figure out why Бяспека інтэрнэт-банкінгу: як захаваць свае рахункі ў бяспецы  content that was generated back in 2011 was mercilessly removed from the rankings by the Panda update, and why is AI-generated content now being reviewed by Google?

It’s hard to believe that the Panda update was released 12 years ago. Guys who are just entering the field of marketing do not know how much noise and pain he caused the seoshniks of years past, and why we still remember him with awe.

In those distant years

we could generate content without worrying about its readability all texts that were placed.

on the site were generated exclusively for search engines and not for the user. Very often, the text was so saturated with key questions that it was simply impossible to read such a text।

because it did not make any sense

At that time, few people cared about good copywriting, the quality of the text, its uniqueness, and no one even thought about the extent to which the text answers the users’ questions. It simply was and was created exclusively for search engines.

Now we live in 2023

at the beginning 1000 mobile phone numbers  of the third millennium, and although many prophecies of science fiction writers have not yet come true (we have not mastered other planets, we have not created cures for all diseases, etc.), technologies in the field of artificial intelligence have made an unprecedented breakthrough.


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