Collective bargaining

This is where the concept of unions arose as organisations that emerg from the ne to protect workers’ rights . Workers can enjoy freom of association as a fundamental right that guarantees them the possibility of organising themselves in unions and defending their labour rights as a group. In recent times, these organisations have had a great deal of influence on the regulations that affect labour relations.

Therefore, if you participate in the negotiation

you have more power and strength to achieve your goals. This negotiation process results in a collective bargaining agreement, which details the working hours, salaries, benefits, rights and conditions relat to the employee’s work. In other words, what we know as a collective agreement , and it is vitally important that both the employee  specific database by industry and the employer understand and know how it is regulat.

specific database by industry


It is a fundamental right that collective agreements are reach through dialogue between workers’ representatives ( trade union delegates ) and employers.

We can differentiate between three types or areas of


Importance of collective bargaining
Collective bargaining is develop as a bridge between the company and the workers’ organizations (union representatives in the company). We  ເຄື່ອງມືການຕະຫຼາດຂາເຂົ້າແມ່ນຫຍັງທີ່ຈະໃຊ້ can confirm that it is the basis for improving the working conditions of the worker in a company or sector.

The document where the agreements agre upon in said negotiation are reflect is the collective agreement as a contract where the rights and conditions subscrib by the workers.  Unions, employers and employers (association of agb directory  employers of groups of companies) are list. These are the ones who participate in collective bargaining .

Workers are always represent in collective bargaining by a union and are. Given the opportunity to express their difficulties, concerns or offer possibilities or alternatives.

Some of the issues that are negotiat are salary for an increase . And, in addition. The worker is inform at all times of what happens in collective bargaining through the union as the worker’s representative.

Finally, collective bargaining leads to increas productivity, as the worker has been listen to and is more motivat to work. The aim of negotiation is to ensure good labour relations through the agreements that are reach, as we have seen.


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