Effective YouTube SEO. Implement YT video positioning!

Did you know that YouTube is not only a great video platform, but also the second largest search engine in the world after Google? Today we will show you what effective YouTube SEO is all about and how to position your videos on YT!

How does the YouTube algorithm work? Learn about ranking factors!

Positioning on YouTube involves a number of technical aspects that you need to consider. Below, we have collected the most important metrics that the YouTube algorithm uses to assess whether your video is worth showing to the user.

What viewers watch – people want to watch what interests them. Therefore, the algorithm aims to suggest subsequent videos related to previous views. If you want to reach a specific audience, you need to hit their “information bubble”.

What users do not watch – if users skip some videos,

the algorithm will not suggest similar ones to them either, thus learning the “viewer’s taste”.
Time spent watching – the longer the recipient watches your video, the greater the probability that a specific video will gain greater reach and reach people with similar preferences. It is worth emphasizing that the viewing time is also important in the Shorts format, where multiple viewings of a short video have a great impact on the reach of the video.

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Positive and negative ratings – as you probably guessed, the number of positive and negative ratings and the ratio between them is also a ranking factor. The more negative ratings, the better for you.

Satisfaction surveys – YouTube also uses special surveys asking for an assessment of the video watched by the user. In this way, it can better select the content suggested in the “Recommended” section.

Comments and shares – activity under videos also affects YouTube’s SEO.

The more engaging and discussion-provoking the videos from your channel are, the more the algorithm will appreciate them. Shares are equally important and valued.


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Use of keywords in the description – the description and title of the video, like the description of the channel itself on YouTube, should contain appropriately selected keywords that correspond to user behavior. The title should be catchy, but also contain keywords that users enter in the YouTube search box.

However, do not forget that the quality of your video content is still key. Even the best SEO optimization on YouTube will not help if you post videos with low quality image and sound, which do not carry any substantive or entertainment value.
How do viewers find videos on YouTube?

Before we move on to discussing optimization topics, we will briefly tell you how users find videos on YouTube! You need to know that there are many sources of traffic in this area.

The home page and the “Subscriptions” section.

YouTube search engine.
Featured videos and your channel page.
User-created playlists.
Video end screens.

Remember also that external hello world! sources play a large role: Google results or links from external applications or newsletters or social media.
YouTube SEO – step-by-step channel and video optimization

Similarly to traditional SEO in the Google search engine, YouTube SEO is also associated with a number of practical tips, the implementation of which will help you improve the visibility of your video content. In the following sections, we will show you step by step how to optimize your videos in accordance with the art of YouTube SEO!

Create a channel description and use the right keywords

SEO on YouTube starts when you create your channel. When creating a channel description on YouTube, remember to include the most important information about your presence on the site. Write about your products, services, company, brand or person, if YouTube is an element of your personal brand marketing.

Be sure to also include keywords related to queries that users may enter into the YouTube search box. This way, you will have a greater chance of appearing bz lists in search results, including Google. When including keywords, embed them in the text naturally. You can also use tags and hashtags to highlight some of them. Before publishing the description, read it carefully and… Go further!
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Google Keyword Planner – what is it? How to use it in Google Ads and SEO?

Use keywords in the title and description of your video

Are you planning to publish your first video on your channel? Great, congratulations! Do it right to gain an advantage over your potential competition in search results right from the start. First of all, remember that the keywords should already be included in the file name! Yes, you understand correctly – the file itself that you upload must be named appropriately.

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