Sources of traffic to the site which channels bring more clients

In Internet marketing, traffic sources are any sites from which customers click on a link to get to your site. Moreover,

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Let’s discuss what traffic sources email data there are, how to analyze where your customers come from, and how to increase the number of visitors to your site. What are the sources of traffic? There are many separate sources. After all, people can come to the site from completely different channels: from Yandex or Google, from a VKontakte community or from a video on YouTube. But to look at the situation more

Broadly, all these traffic sources

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Can beinto separate groups. Search These are visitors who come to the site from search engines. For example, a person enters the phrase “buy cat food” into Yandex or Google and is shown a list of online stores where it can be found. When a person goes from a search to one of these resources, the site receives a visitor, that is, the same search traffic. The company does not

these sites can be both offline what are seo silos?  and online. For example, a link to your site can be as a QR code on flyers that you hand out at a conference. Or it can be in the “More details”

pay anything for such transitions, but it makes an effort to ensure that the site is as close to the top of the first page of search results as possible. And these efforts often require spending a budget. These are people who come to you via links shared by your customers. The special thing here is that the person

who shared the link receives a reward c phone number  for the person brought to the site performing some target action: registration, purchase, subscription to the newsletter, etc. The reward can be bonus points that can be spent on purchases in the company, free products, real money, or something else.

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