Segmenting Your Audience: A Strategic Approach to Targeted Marketing

Are you looking to take your marketing efforts to the next level and increase your campaign’s effectiveness? One powerful strategy that you should consider is segmenting your audience. By dividing your audience into smaller, more targeted groups, you can tailor your marketing messages to better meet their needs and preferences. In this article, we will…

Samsung and Telekom Slovenije supported the association

Samsung and Telekom Slovenije join forces again this year and show their support. For the fight against breast cancer with a donation of 10,000 euros to the Europa Donna Slovenia Association. The purpose of the donation is to support breast cancer awareness activities and help patients and their relatives. The handover ceremony took place in…

The cookie is gone: Third-party cookies will disappear from Google Chrome from 2023

Privacy protection is becoming increasingly important. Last year, browsers Safari and Mozilla Firefox already banned third-party cookies, and Apple also wants to protect users from large-scale data collection with the iOS 14 update of last April. Google has recently joined this club. This spring, Google officially announced that it will stop using third-party cookies in…

Top Tips to Boost Your Email List Subscribers Today

Posted By Darren Rowse 4th of December 2015 Blog Promotion, General, Miscellaneous Blog Tips  0 Comments   Welcome to the second episode of the #TodayNotSomeday podcast series, where today’s challenge is one I would prioritise above all others: getting people to subscribe to your email list. I started using email as a way to Communicate with my readers back in usa ceo 2007…

An Introduction to Landing Pages for Bloggers – An Interview with Tim Paige from LeadPages

  If converting traffic to subscribers is high on your list of priorities, you won’t want to miss today’s episode of the ProBlogger podcast, where I chat with “Conversion Educator” Tim Paige of LeadPages. Getting better conversions on our websites is something I think bloggers really need to know, and Tim certainly doesn’t hold back! Even uae…

Affiliate Marketing Tips and What Links to Use in Your Emails

Today I’m going to talk about affiliate marketing and where the links should point to when sending an email promoting a product to your list.   This topic was inspired by a question from Scott. “I want to try my hand at some affiliate promotions and have selected an eBook to promote. I have heard…

Why My Blog Motto is “Done and Not Perfect”

Posted By Guest Blogger 26th of July 2016 Be Productive  0 Comments   By Lisa Corduff. I remember the deadlines at work. Meticulously making sure what I passed to my boss was of the highest quality. I remember expecting so much from myself and my output because there was judgement coming. A “good job” or “fix this up” or…

Are Instagram Stories a Better Home For Content Than Snapchat?

Posted By Guest Blogger 13th of September 2016 Social Media  0 Comments This is a guest contribution from Nick Rojas. When Instagram unveiled its new Stories usa bu platform in early August, the social network made no bones about that the fact that it was inspired by Snapchat’s pioneering feature of the same name. Some social media watchers went…